Leicestershire County Council’s Green Plaque Award scheme has had a successful first year with the public nominating and voting for the local people and places they wanted to see honoured with an Award. The first six recipients included a Dambuster pilot, a writer...
Independent Museums and Heritage Groups, operating in Leicestershire, are eligible to apply for grant funding of up to £500 from the Leicestershire County Council Communities & Wellbeing Service. What can SHIRE Grants be used for? SHIRE Grants, funded through...
Leicestershire County Council Communities and Wellbeing Service (C&W) is seeking to recruit a consultant(s) to evaluate and review the Click; Connect; Curate; Create (CCCC) project. The role of the consultant(s) will be to review and evaluate the impact of the...
In December of last year, Leicestershire County Council introduced a Green Plaque Awards scheme to recognise and celebrate people and places that have made an important and enduring contribution to the county. The first six awards voted for by the public included a...
Request for Quotation for the role of Independent Museums Coordinator for the A Century of Stories Project. Leicestershire County Council is seeking to engage a coordinator on a fee paid basis to liaise with independent museums across Leicestershire to identify...