MDEM is pleased to be offering four bursaries for individuals from accredited museums to attend the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) annual Digital Marketing Day taking place on 30 November 2022 at the British Museum in London. These bursaries will cover the full cost of a ticket to Digital Marketing Day.
What is it about?
Digital Marketing Day is an annual day event which brings you the latest thinking, case studies and upcoming trends to be aware of, in engaging your audiences online. It covers everything you need to know about all things digital. It is the AMA’s second largest annual conference and this will be its 16th year.
This year’s theme:
Less is more — Doing less, but doing it well
Feedback from AMA members highlights that people are over-stretched, and expectations are particularly high post-pandemic to continue to deliver strong digital content, as well as ‘getting back to normal’ with in-person events, shows and/or programme.
Digital Marketing Day will help people to focus on the skills they need, to choose what works best for their organisation, without trying to do it all. They will be encouraged to prioritise their digital activity, so that what they choose to do, they can do well.
To apply for a bursary, please complete this form: