Midlands3Cities: PhD Opportunities

November 21, 2017

How do Collaborative Doctoral Awards work?

Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA) holders are jointly supervised by academic supervisors from a Midlands3Cities university and a member of staff from a partner organisation outside of higher education.

The research focus and aims of the project are designed and agreed from the outset between the university supervisors, non-university partners and the student.

Midlands3Cities is offering six CDA projects with national and regional partners in the cultural, creative and heritage sectors.

The AHRC describes Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) as providing:

…funding for doctoral studentship projects, proposed by a university based academic, to work in collaboration with an organisation outside of higher education. They are intended to encourage and develop collaboration and partnerships providing opportunities for doctoral students to gain first-hand experience of work outside the university environment and enhance the employment-related skills and training a research student gains during the course of their award.

Midlands3Cities CDA projects 2018

Download the PDFs for detailed project information, including partnership team, academic supervisor and home university.

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