This MDEM Special event will explore ways in which museums can become more environmentally sustainable. The event will include case studies from our Greener Museums programme, the launch of the new Carbon Literacy Museums Toolkit and an introduction to the Roots and Branches Project and how you can get involved.
MDEM and partners are part of the Roots Branches project, a collaboration between The Carbon Literacy Project, Museum Development England and Manchester Museum, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. It aims to train and certify 1,500 people from 300 museums as Carbon Literate over the next two years and give an opportunity for museums to converse, experiment, and test new ideas for a more sustainable future.
MDEM will be running our first Carbon Literacy training course in February 2022 and greener museums will also be one the themes of our Regional Collections Symposium in March 2022.
If you are interested in becoming certified through our Carbon Literacy Training, or would just like to know more about how your museum can take action against climate change then please do sign up to this free special event.
Who should attend?
This event is for anyone interested in learning more about greener practices in museums, or who would like to share their own experience in this area. It is for museums staff and volunteers from the East Midlands.
We recommend anyone considering signing up to our Carbon Literacy training to come along.
Please note by signing up to MDEM training you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
MDEM is committed to providing all training in an accessible format and have a dedicated budget to enable this. Please indicate as part of booking if you require any further access support or clarification.