This one day in person event is aimed at learning staff and volunteers in the East Midlands and is part of our Engaging With Schools Network and programme of support for formal learning activities in museums.
The day will be hosted by Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby, and will provide attendees the opportunity to visit the site and view it’s educational offer, whilst meeting the team and talking through their experience of setting up current educational offer as part of their recently funded NLHF project.
The second half of the day will be a hands on workshop ‘using artefacts with schools’ and will exploring the benefits of using museum objects to engage schools visiting your museum site or collection. The session will include practical advice as well as discussion on engaging and innovative ways of engaging children with your objects and how to encourage questioning and discovery based learning.
Delegates will be asked to bring an image of an object/ set of objects they are considering using with schools (either for a formal learning or object handling session) for general discussion.
MDEM are pleased to be able to provide this day as an on-site opportunity and will ensure ample time for delegates to network and discuss current issues and opportunities with other members of the network.
Who should attend:
This event is for staff and volunteers who support the learning offer at their organisation. It is aimed at members of the ‘Engaging with Schools Network’ which is free and easy to join here.
As this is an in-person event with associated additional costs, we ask no more then two delegates from a site book onto the session. Priority will be given to accredited museums in the East Midlands from non NPO sites.
By joining an MDEM training session, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.