It’s that time of year again, where we ask all museums who engage with MDEM or are an Accredited museum or Working Towards Accreditation to complete the Annual Museum Data Survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather evidence to help demonstrate and prove the social and economic importance of museums both locally and regionally to funders and stakeholders.
The survey asks museums and heritage organisations across the region to provide core statistical data about their visitors, educational engagement, volunteers, staff and financial operations for the period 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.
How to complete the survey
You can complete the survey online by clicking here.
Please complete and return the survey by 30th August 2017
If you are an organisation that runs multiple museum sites you can either complete a survey for each site or complete one survey representing all museum sites that your organisation is responsible for.
What’s in it for museums?
Advocacy – evidence to make the case for your social and economic value in order to sustain investment
Performance benchmarking – consistent data to compare your museum’s operational context
Informing strategy – knowing your operational context will support your business planning
Fundraising – the data can be used as evidence to support funding applications or to express your value with the public
Support – the survey helps MDEM to provide a more tailored service to you, including grants, training and advice
Further information
Last year we asked you to provide us with data for 2015/16. We now have 2 years of data to compare, giving us clear trends and analysis across the sector. you can see the summary reports below for the region and each county:
MDEM Annual Museums Survey 2015-16
Leicestershire summary 2015-16
Northamptonshire summary 2015-16
Nottinghamshire summary 2015-16
The Museum Development Annual Data Survey was launched in the South West in 2010 and was established in order to build an evidence base for advocating the social and economic value of the museum sector and to provide a baseline of evidence to engage stakeholders including Local Authorities and funders. The Annual Data Survey is now carried out by Museum Development providers in the South West, South East, East Midlands, East of England and Wales. Over 850 Accredited museums will be asked to participate in the survey this year.
We’d like to thank you for all of your help and support in completing the survey, and look forward to working with you over 2017/18.