Mounting Without Blu-Tak
Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 1TB
This will be a day of exploring Blu-Tack removal using real examples on site and suitable alternative methods for displaying a mixed collection.
The workshop will be led by Jane Pudsey and her colleague Martin Grahn. Jane is an Accredited Conservator-Restorer specialising in archives, paper, parchment, wax seals, books and the care of the prints, drawings and watercolours collections at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum in Coventry. Martin is a conservator who specialises in museum objects.
Together they create bespoke mounts, supports and cradles for the Herbert’s exhibitions, most recently their temporary and now touring exhibition ‘Secret Egypt’. With over 25 years of experience, Jane assesses and advises on the best methods of mounting to cause minimal disruption to the item during exhibition.
Participants are encouraged to bring a paper item to mount and pictures of any queries they have about Blu Tack removal. The day will also include a demonstration of how to make a perspex mount.
To book your place click register.